315. Fragments from a building ?dedication
- Description:
- Six fragments of a marble panel. a) w: 0.27 x h: 0.21 x d: 0.025, no edges surviving; b) w: 0.55 x h: 0.24 x d: 0.025, no edges surviving; c) w: 0.17 x h: 0.16 x d: 0.025, no edges surviving; d) w: 0.10 x h: 0.08 x d: 0.025, no edges surviving; e) w: 0.15 x h: 0.17 x d: 0.025, last two lines; f) w: 0.15 x h: 0.09 x d: 0.025, last line.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the surviving faces.
- Letters:
- Late form of Rustic capitals: 0.05-0.055; last line 0.04.
- Date:
- Probably third century A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Hadrianic Baths (Bartoccini MS notes)
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Lepcis Museum.
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Bartoccini MS notes; Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[·· ? ··]tatem ad solum dedu[ct·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]P̣ prouisione et exi[mi·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]a renoua[uit·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]TATEMADSOLVMDEDV[····· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]·PROVISIONEETEXI[····· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]ARENOVA[······ ? ··]
a.2, Fragments a and b perhaps join to give l.2 [Templu]m Veneri[s ob Vetus]tatem ad solum dedu[ctum]
a. [·· ? ··?temple] of (or for) Venus [·· ? ··?with] continuous [?care·· ? ··]
b. [·· ? ··] superintendents of the Bath [·· ? ··] fallen to the ground [?on account of its age ·· ? ··] by exercise of forethought and extreme [·· ? ··] he renewed [·· ? ··]
(c and d are not usefully translatable)
e.[·· ? ··] ?Asia [·· ? ··]
f. ?with Antonius [·· ? ·· ?looking after the work].
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