324. Building dedication of the Chalcidicum to Augustus
- Description:
- The greater part of three composite panels of grey limestone, moulded above and below. a) Seven blocks (together, 6.76 × height 0.51), from the central gable. b) Nine blocks (together, w: 8.44 x h: 0.52), from the left- hand gable. c) Eight blocks, from the right-hand gable.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the surviving faces
- Letters:
- a) Lapidary capitals: l. 1, 0.125; l. 2, 0.08. b) Lapidary capitals: 0.145. c) Lapidary capitals: 0.145.
- Date:
- A.D. 11-12 (reign, titulature)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Chalcidicum, from the architraves of the central and lateral gables of the facade.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Aurigemma, Africa Italiana (Rivista di Storia e d'Arte a cura del Ministero delle Colonie) 8 vols., Bergamo, 1927-1940 VIII:17.ff, fig 10, = text a); L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1948: 7 and 8. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
porta et uia ab XVuir(is) sac(rorum) [·· c. 7··dedica]ta est
a. To the divine power of Emperor Caesar Augustus, son of the deified (Caesar), [chief] priest, [acclaimed victor twenty times, consul thirteen times], holding tribunician power for the thirty-fourth; the calchidicum and the porticoes and the gate and the road were dedicated by the commitee of fifteen in charge of sacred affairs [·· ? ··]
b. Iddibal Caphada Aemilius, son of Himilis, saw to the construction of the calchidicum, porticoes, gate and street at his own expense.
c. Iddibal Caphada Aemilius, son of Himilis, saw to the construction of the calchidicum, porticoes, gate and street at his own expense. (a different, incorrect, case is used for gate and road.)
a) l. 1. trib. pot. XXXIIII - July 11 - 30 June 12.
a) l. 1. The chalcidicum and porticus are presumably the double porticoes of the court yard behind.
a) l. 2. The XVviri sacrorum: probably a local college of priests; N. Degrassi, Epigraphica VII (1945) 6 ff.
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