527. Fragmentary honours
- Description:
- Block (w: 1.05 x h: 0.52 x d: 0.51) of grey limestone.
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face; apparently uniform with 528.
- Letters:
- Irregular capitals: from top of block, l.1, 0.03-0.12; l.2, 0.15-0.23; l.3, 0.27-0.33; l.4, 0.35-0.40; l.5, 0.42-0.47; to bottom, 0.51.
- Date:
- After A.D. 81, before A.D. 94 (titulature, prosopography)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Vetus, near the Baptistry.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[·· ? ·· trib(uno) mil(itum) leg(ionis) V A]laudae IIIIuir(o) uiar(um)
[cur(andarum) ·· ? ·· praef(ecto) auxiliorum omnium aduersus Germ]anos donis donato
[ab Imp(eratore) Vespasiano Aug(usto) et T(ito) Aug(usti) f(ilio) ·· ? ·· hastis puri]s duabus uexillis duob(us)
5[·· ? ·· adlecto] inter patricios
[·· ? ·· the·· ? ··]iani of the province. To [·· ? ·· , military tribune of legion V] Alaudae, member of the committee of four in charge of road maintenance (in Italy) [·· ? ·· prefect of all the auxiliary troops assembled against the Germ]ans, awarded military honours [by Emperor Vespasian Augustus and Titus son of Augustus, ·· ? ··] two [silver spears], two banners, [·· ? ·· adlected] into patrician status [·· ? ··]
ll. 1-2. The military tribune is possibly Cn. Domitius Lucanus, cos. suff. unattested, procos. Africae not long before 94, PIR (2) D 152. Note however the discrepancy in the number of hastae purae and vexilla attributed to him here and in ILS 990. In PIR, loc. cit., it is suggested that fragments published in Riv. Trip. II (1925-6) 69, L'Ann. Ep. 1926, 155 and CIL VIII, 8 may refer to Lucanus or his brother Tullus. In fact these all belong to 342 and the Cn. Domitius concerned is Cn. Domitius Ponticus.
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