43. Dedication to Severus Alexander by Aemilianus
- Description:
- Part of a marble panel (surviving width w: 0.76 x h: 0.74 x d: 0.02).
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Third century capitals: 0.05-0.06.
- Date:
- A.D. 230-231 (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Sabratha: The North Forum Portico. Found re-used as a paving slab in the late IV cent. paving at the W end of the portico, where traces of the impression survive. See also 23, 27, 41, 95. N
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Sabratha Museum.
- Bibliography:
- Bartoccini, Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia, Roma (Ministero dell'Africa Italiana), vol. I, 1950 I:53; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1950:154. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
〚[Alexa]ndro Pio Fel(ici) Au[g](usto)〛 〚pont(ifici)〛
[max(imo)] [tri]b(unicia) pot(estate) X co(n)s(uli) III p(atri) p(atriae) p[roco(n)s(uli)]
[·· c. 5··]tonius Aemilian[us]
5[o]b honorem augurat[us]
praeter (sestertios) X m(ilia) n(ummum) summ[ae]
honorariae et sport[ulas]
decurionibus ob dedic[atio]-
nem datas stat[uit]
1-2, Imp(eratori) [Ca]e(sari) M(arco) Aurelio Se[vero Alexa]ndro Pio Fel(ici) Au[g](usto): Erased with continuous horizontal strokes after his death in 235.
To [Emperor] Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander, Pius, Felix, Augustus, [chief priest], holding tribunician power for the tenth time, consul for the third time, father of the country, [proconsul; . . . . -]tonius Aemilianus (set this up) in response to the honour (office) of the augurate, in addition to the payment of ten thousand sesterces for the office and provision of food boxes to members of the city council on the occasion of the dedication.
l. 3. trib. pot. X. 10 Dec. 230 - 9 Dec. 231.
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