300. Fragmentary building dedication by Q. Manlius Ancharius Tarquitius Saturninus
- Description:
- Two courses of blocks of grey limestone a) Upper course: of the eight original blocks, six survive, nos. 1-3 (together, w: 2.45 x h: 0.43), followed by a missing block (w: 1.16 x h: 0.43), followed by nos. 5-7 (together, w: 3.22 x h: 0.43). The last block (w: 0.70 x h: 0.43) is missing. b) Lower course: of the ten (probably) original blocks, nos. 2-4 (together, w: 2.37 x h: 0.52) survive followed by a gap (length not calculable), followed by two blocks, of which the right-hand end of the second is broken (together, w: 1.37 x h: 0.52). The right- hand end of the course is missing.
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face within a moulded panel (together, w: 7.56 x h: 0.95).
- Letters:
- Lapidary capitals: l.1, 0.14; l. 2, 0.11: l. 3, 0.09; l. 4, 0.065; l. 5, 0.06. The longitudinal spacing is erratic.
- Date:
- A.D. 72 (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: From the facade of the Temple of Magna Mater in the Forum Vetus
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Now recomposed nearby.
- Bibliography:
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, VIII:22671 , 129 Bartoccini Rivista di Archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia sacra VIII:26, VIII:29 L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.), 1934:171. (All publications are of scattered blocks only). This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
Q(uintus) Manlius Ancharius Tarq[uitius Saturni]nus proco(n)s(ul) patronus d[edicauit]
[·] Volumnius Memor Felix [legatus] pro pr[aetore ·· ? ··]
Iddibal Balsillecis [f(ilius)] Annobalis n(epos) Asmunis pro[nepos ·· ? ··?]us templum Matris Magna[e ·· ? ··]
5 et exor[nauit e]x (sestertiis) CC m(ilibus) n(ummum) d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) d(edit) [·· ? ··?]is et Passienus Maris e((?)-) [·· ? ··]
[·]VOLVMNIVSMEMORFELIX[········]PROPR[········· ? ··]
5ETEXOR[········]X sestertius CCMNDSPD[·· ? ··?]ISETPASSIENVSMARISE[·· ? ··]
When emperor Caesar Vespasian [Augustus was] Chief [priest], holding tribunician power for the third time, had been acclaimed victor ten times, was consul for the fourth time and designated [for a fifth, father of the country], Quintus Manlius Ancharius Tarq[uitius Saturni]nus proconsul, patron, d[edicated]( this), [·· ? ··] Volumnius Memor Felix, his [legate] holding propraetorian powers [being present too]. Iddibal, [son] of Balsillac, grandson of Annobal, great grandson of Asmun [·· ? ··built] the temple of Mater Magna [·· ? ··] and adorned it at a cost of 200,000 sesterces given from his own funds [·· ? ··] and Passienus Maris ( or ? son of Mar) from [·· ? ··]
l. 1. trib. pot. III - 1 July 71 - 30 June 7, cos. iiii - 1 January 72.
Line 2: Probably Q. Manlius Tarquitius Saturninus, cos. an. inc. under Nero (Pugliese Carratelli, Parola del Passato, vol 1 (1946) 381). Not otherwise recorded as procos. Africae.
l. 3. Volumnius Memor Felix. Otherwise unknown; but see ILS 6675 for a C. Volumnius Memor and 8086 for a P. Volumnius Felix.
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