310. Fragmentary dedication to Sarapis
- Description:
- Marble base (w: 0.31 x h: 0.315 x d: 0.045) in the form of a low table, bevelled below, with a circular, grooved recess in the centre of the upper face; inscribed consecutively on the front and on the right- hand edge, and separately on the left-hand edge.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the surviving faces.
- Letters:
- Lettering 0.013:
- Date:
- Unknown
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Findspot unrecorded
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- L. Robert, Rev. Et. Gr., LXVI (1953) 203-4. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952; including revisions from J. M. Reynolds, 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: A Supplement', Proceedings of the British School at Rome 23 (1955), 124-147
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
( On front edge, continued on to the right-hand edge: )
(On front bevel:)
b(On left-hand edge )
( On front edge, continued on to the right-hand edge: )
(On front bevel:)
b(On left-hand edge )
a.1, ΣΕΡΗ might be taken together giving, e.g., Σερή[νιος χρυσ]οχόος, Robert. There is in fact a stop after ΣΕΡ so that H must be the first letter of the cognomen. The number of letters (4 or 5) given (in 1952) as missing between H and ΟΧΟΟΣ was calculated without allowing for the possibility of ligatures, which are fairly freely used in this inscription: it could in fact be 7 or 8. Even so the cognomen must have been a short one, if space must be allowed for ΧΡΥΣ as well.
a.2, ἀποδω: Perhaps for ἀπέδωκεν or ἀποδίδωσι.
b.1, [τοὺς (or τὰς) διπ (or τριπ)] τύχους, Robert. The stone is chipped before ΤΥΧΟΥΣ. It would be just possible to fit in two letters here - perhaps, but with difficulty, three; but not more. There is no room for another line.
(a) To Zeus the great god Sarapis; Publius Servius [·· ? ··]ochoos dedicated and (set up) his offering from the ?common stock .
(b). . . ?with two lamps.
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