468. Building inscription under Constantine I and Licinius
- Description:
- Part of a marble panel (w: 1.48 x h: 0.68 x d: 0.02).
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Fourth century A.D. capitals: av. 0.05; 1. 12, 0.02.
- Date:
- A.D. 317-323 (reigns)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Punic Market, more than 50 fragments found.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Now recomposed in Lepcis Museum.
- Bibliography:
- Aurigemma, Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia: Rendiconti XV:117 ff., fig, 6; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1948:40. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
moenia quae cum sui magnitudine et splendo-
re concordant etiam porticuum macelli in rui-
nam [la]ḅemque conuersam remanere nudam
5 ult[·· c. 15··]ẹneret quod esset in usu
ac f[·· c. 20··] hort[a]nte clemen-
ṭịạ [·· c. 9·· d(ominorum)] n(ostrorum) et F[l(aui)] Cons[t]antini max(imi)
[et Val(eri) Licini et Fl(aui) Cri]spi et Fl(aui) [Cl]aud[i Con]stantini
et F[l(aui) Val(eri) Licini] [no]b(i)l(ium) Caes(arum) [·· 9··]te ac dedicante
10Laenatio Romulo [u(iro) p(erfectissimo) p(raeside) p(rouinciae) Tripol(itanae)]
[·· 7·· amp]liorem [·· 11··]am gratiam et pulchritu-
[dinem ·· ? ··] sum(p)ti[bus ·· 11·· admin]istra[t]is
ACF[·· c. 20··]HORT[··]NTECLEMEN
···[·· c. 9····]NETF[······]CONS[··]ANTINIMAX
ETF[··········][···]BLCAES[·· 9··]TEACDEDICANTE
[········ ? ··]SVMTI[······ 11········]ISTRA[··]IS
7, [DDDD] NNNN or [DDDDD N]NNNN. The inscription must have been cut between 317 and 323, when there were two Augusti and three Caesares; see Aurigemma. op. cit.
Because among other affairs of the city of the Lepcimagnensians the walls which ?are appropriate to its size and splendour, also the portico of the market [fallen] into ruin and destruction to remain bare [·· ? ··] which was in use and [·· c. 20 ··] with encouragement from the clemency [·· c. 9 ··] of our [lords Flavius] Constantinus the very great [and Valerius Licinius and Flavius] Crispus and Flavius Claudius Constantinus and Flavius [Valerius Licinius] noble Caesars; [·· ? ··] and dedicating Laenatius Romulus [excellent man ( i.e. equestrian), governor of the province of Tripolitania·· ? ··] fuller [?and] grace and beauty [·· ? ··] ? with the costs [·· ? ··] having been administered.
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