522. Honours for a proconsul
- Description:
- The left-hand face of 610, q.v. Moulded marble base (0.82h: 1.10 x d: 0.82; height incomplete), the upper part of which is fragmentary. See also 477.
- Text:
- One line is probably missing above the die.
- Letters:
- Late third to fourth century capitals: 0.03.
- Date:
- Late third to early fourth century (before 312) (lettering, titulature).
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Severianum, East Portico.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952; including revisions from J. M. Reynolds, 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: A Supplement', Proceedings of the British School at Rome 23 (1955), 124-147
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
Two additional fragments were found after 1951; they confirmed the suggested restorations for the right edge.
[·· ? ··] To Claudius A[·· ? ··], proconsul of the province of Africa, a man of all the virtues, of blameless integrity, of real gentleness, of outstanding moderation, of praiseworthy justice; the Lepcimagnensians, in accordance with a decree of the city-council, (set this up) to a perpetual patron.
Not otherwise known. The date should be before the creation of Tripolitania, i.e. before c. 312 at the latest, when the proconsul of Africa ceased to be responsible for this region. But letter-style, tone, and relation to 610 suggest rather a IV cent. date. It is possible that l.2 should be restored [ex] proconsule (as in 526, ll. 2,3); the position in which Claudius A[... earned the gratitude of Lepcis for his qualities as an administrator might then have been analogous to that of Decimus Hesperius (see 526 and PW VIII, 1249, 1)
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