545. Honours for a proconsul
- Description:
- Five blocks of grey limestone from a monumental inscription. Four are from an upper course (together, originally w: 2.97 x h: 0.50 x d: 0.50) and one from a lower course (w: 1.10 x h: 0.46 x d: 0.42).
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Lapidary capitals: ll.1-4, 0.07; ll.5-9, 0.06.
- Date:
- After A.D. 139 (titulature. See notes.)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Hadrianic Baths, found cut for re-use as voussoirs and lying scattered in the Caldarium.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- R. Bartoccini, Le Terme di Lepcis (Afrika Italiana: Monografie a cura del Ministero delle Colonie, IV), Bergamo, 1929, 91 ff. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
2〚co(n)s(uli) pro[co(n)s(uli) prou(inciae) Af]ric(ae) XVuir(o) sacr(is)〛 〚fa〛[ciundis] [curat]or(i) ạẹ[d]ịụṃ ṣạc̣(rarum) [et]
〚operum [publ(icorum) leg(ato) p]ro pr(aetore)〛 Imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) Traiani Ha[driani] Aug(usti) prouinc(iae)
〚Cappadoc[iae leg(ato)] pro pr(aetore)〛 Imp(eratoris) C[a]es(aris) Traiani Hadrian[i A]ug(usti) pro〚uinciae〛
5 〚Mo[e]siae I[nferioris]〛 [le]g(ato) pro pr(aetore) I[mp(eratoris)] Caes(aris) diui Traiani [Au]g(usti) prouinciae
[Ciliciae cur]atori uiae Latinae [leg(ato) leg(ionis) VI Ferratae don(is) milit(aribus) don(ato)]
[ab Imp(eratore) Tra]iano Aug(usto) ob bellum [Parthicum pr(aetori) aed(ili) pleb(eio) quaest(ori)]
[prou(inciae) Hisp(aniae) B]aetic(ae) Vlterioris tribun(o) lat[ic(lauio) leg(ionis) I Mineruiae donis milit(aribus) don(ato)]
[ab Imp(eratore) Aug(usto) ob] bellum Marcomannicum [triumuiro capitali ·· ? ··]
10 [·· ? ·· Le]pcit[ani ·· ? ··]
[···]BELLVMMARCOMANNICVM[············ ? ··]
10[·· ? ·····]PCIT[······ ? ··]
To [·· ? ··] consul, proconsul [of the province of] Africa, member of the committee of fifteen for sacred affairs, curator of sacred buildings and public works, legate with propraetorian powers (so far all erased) of emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus in the province of Cappadocia, propraetorian legate (erased from Cappadocia) of emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus in the province of Moesia inferior (erased from in), propraetorian legate of Emperor Caesar Trajan Augustus in the province [of Cilicia], curator of the Latin Road, [legate of legiona VI Ferrata, awarded military decorations by emperor] Trajan Augustus for the [Parthian] war, [praetor, plebeian aedile, quaestor of the province of Hispania] Baetica Ulterior, senatorial tribune [of legion I Minervia, awarded military honours by emperor Augustus for ] the Marcomannic war, [member of the committee of three concerned with capital crimes·· ? ··] the Lepcitanians [·· ? ··]
l. 1. The consul proconsul prouinciae Africae is certainly Bruttius Praesens L. Fulvius Rusticus, cos. an. inc., cos. II 139, PIR (2) B 164 and Picard < Revue Africaine> XCIV (1950) 25 ff. The partial erasure of his career perhaps follows the damnatio of his granddaughter, Crispina Augusta.
l. 9. ab Imperator Augustus ob bellum Marcomannicum. By Domitian in 89.
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