571. Fragmentary honours for Flavius Vivus Benedictus
- Description:
- Eight fragments of a moulded marble base, found scattered and recomposed, and since again scattered (together, w: 0.95 x h: 0.62).
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face: l. 1, on the upper edge: ll. 2-3, on one of the upper mouldings; ll. 4-14, within a moulded panel (die, h: 0.43 wide) from which a previous text has been erased; l. 15, below the die.
- Letters:
- Fourth century A.D. capitals: l. 1, 0.045; ll. 2-3, 0.02: ll. 4-14, 0.04-0.05; l. 15, 0.02.
- Date:
- A.D. 378. consuls.
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Severianum, East Portico.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- A. Degrassi, Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia, Roma (Ministero dell'Africa Italiana), vol. I, 1950, III 1954 This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952; including revisions from J. M. Reynolds, 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: A Supplement', Proceedings of the British School at Rome 23 (1955), 124-147
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[Ded]icata die nouem Iuniarum d(ominis) n(ostris) Valente VI et
Valentiniano II Aug(ustis) cons(ulibus)
[Flaui]o Viuio [Ben]edi[cto] u(iro) p(erfectissimo)
5[p]raesidi pro[uinc(iae) Tripol(itanae)]
te[n]aci iustitia[e] in]
terpraeti iur[is i]nno-
ce[n]tium [f]autori
uindici liber[t]atis no-
10xiorum omnium [pe]rcuss
sori ordo splen[did(issimus)] civit(atis)
Lepcima[gnensium] patro-
no c̣[·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]POỊGAV[·· ? ··]
15[·· ? ··] dign((?)-) et patr((?)-) ṾF̣Ị[·· ? ··]
NO·[·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]PO·GAV[·· ? ··]
15[·· ? ··]DIGNETPATR···[·· ? ··]
Reconstructed Text
Degrassi, loc cit., ll. 7-13: |te[n]aci iustitia[e in] |ter[p]raeti inno |ce[n]tium [ciuium f]autori |uindici liber[t]atis no |xiorum omnium [pe]rcusso |ri ordo splend[id]issimus [ciui]t(atis) |Lepcima[gensium]. Degrassi was right to question the IRT reading, which was made before the fragments of the monument had been reassembled. The stone has been re-examined by Mr. Goodchild, whose reading (used here) modifies Degrassi's proposals, particularly ll. 8 and 9.
(In honour) of Benedictius, excellent man (of equestrian status). Dedicated on the ninth day of June, in the consulship of our lords the Augusti, Valens for the sixth time, Valentinian for the second. To Flavius Vivius Benedictus, excellent man (of equestrian status), governor of the province of Tripolitania, steadfast in justice, interpreter of the law, supporter of the innocent, defender of freedom, scourge of all criminals, the most splendid city-council [·· ? ··] of the Lepcimagnensians, to their patron [·· ? ··]
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