730. Fragments
- Description:
- Fragments from the lower part of a marble panel (w: 0.40 x h: 0.52, no edges surviving).
- Text:
- Inscribed on the surviving face.
- Letters:
- Second century capitals: 0.065.
- Date:
- Second century A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Vetus
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Lepcis Museum.
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
2, An upright precedes the L at the opening of the line, presumably I or T.
4, Merula: Or Medula; but the bowl of the letter is rather narrow for a D.
[·· ? ··] (l.2) adorned (case and number unknown) [·· ? ··] Merula (nominative case) [·· ? ··]
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