880. Building inscription
- Description:
- Block of limestone, shaped to form the arch of a door.
- Text:
- Inscribed above the arch within a rectangular recessed panel (w: 0.96 x h: 0.39), at the left-hand, surviving end of which is a bow-shaped, moulded feature.
- Letters:
- Capitals, lapidary to irregular: 0.04-0.05.
- Date:
- A.D. 244-246 (reign)
- Findspot:
- Upper Sofeggin Basin : Saniet Duib; In the gasr, on the Wadi Duib, 40 km. South East of Zintan (map ref. U 7335), the left half in situ over the entrance doorway, the right half re-used in the later walling which flanks the doorway on the left.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Goodchild and Ward Perkins, Journal of Roman Studies, XXXIX: 91-2, pi. xn; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.), 1950:128. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
eṭ 〚 Ṃ(arcus) Ịul(ius) P̣[hilippus〛 Ca]esar n(oster) regionem limi[tis Ten]-
theitani parṭiṭam et ẹ[ius] uiam incursib(us) barba[ro]-
rum constituto nouo centenario 〚[·· ? ··]〛
5 〚[··]Ạ[·]〛Ṣ prae[cl]userunt Cominio Cassiano leg(ato) Aug(ustorum)
pr(o) pr(aetore) Gaḷlican[o ·· 6-7··] u(iro) e(gregio) praep(osito) limitis cura
Numisii Maximi domo [·· 4··]sia trib(uni)
3, uiam: obuiam, as suggested in Melanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph, XXVIII (1949-50) 316, is not a possible reading, since an upright is visible after <<et>>. ; peruiam is a possible alternative.
5, Aug(ustorum): AVGG.
Emperor Caesar [Marcus Julius] Philippus (names erased), unconquered [Augustus] and Marcus Julius P[hilippus] (names erased) our Caesar, by building a new fort [·· ? ··] (erased) preserved the area distinguished as the frontier district of Tentheis (?Tentheitanus), and the road along it, from the attacks of barbarians; Cominius Cassianus, agent of the emperors with propraetorian powers and Gallicanus [·· c. 7 ··], of equestrian status, in charge of the frontier, Numisius Maximus, whose home town is [·· c. 7 ··], tribune, saw to the work.
ll. 1-2. M. Julius Philippus, Caesar. 244, 245, 246.
l. 5. For Cominius Cassianus, see also Birley, JRS XL (1950) 60ff.
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