348. Fragmentary dedication to Domitian
- Description:
- Three blocks (lengths varying w: 0.52 x h: 0.55), of compact grey limestone, inscribed on one face with a monumental inscription, moulded at the lower edge. There are sockets for 14 cm. timbers along the back of the upper face. a) 0.82 long b) 0.92 long: c) 1.108 long
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Lapidary capitals: from top of block, l. 1, 0.075-0.235; l. 2, 0.25-0.39, moulding, 0.405-0.52.
- Date:
- A.D. 93-94 (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Vetus, from the architrave of the Flavian Temple, south of the Curia.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- P. Romanelli, Leptis Magna (Africae Italiana: Monografie a cura del Ministero delle Colonie, 1), Roma, 1925, 130; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1926:161. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
a.[·· ? ··] of [·· ? ··] Vespasian [·· ? ··] of [·· ? ··]-dia Pia[·· ? ··]
b.[·· ? ··] Vesapsian (case unknown)[·· ? ··]ris sufete ( both in the ablative case)
c.[·· ? ··holding tribunician power for the] thirteeth time, acclaimed victor twenty-[two times·· ? ··] 80.000 sesterces [·· ? ··]
c) l. 1. trib. pot. XIII - Domitian, 14 Sep 93 - 13 Sep 94.
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