601. Decree of honours for Plautius Lupus
- Description:
- Rectangular base (w: 0.50 x h: 0.89 x d: 0.51) of white marble. a) Front face, surface badly damaged (die not measurable): 1. Fragment from the top, towards the right-hand edge 2. Fragment, ll. 20-22 approx. 3. Bottom right-hand corner. b) Left-hand face c) Right-hand face
- Text:
- Inscribed on three faces within recessed panels. b) (die, w: 0.43 x h: 0.80). c) (die, w: 0.42 x h: 0.80).
- Letters:
- Capitals with some Rustic forms, probably third century A.D. a) 0.02. b) 0.015-0.025. c) 0.03.
- Date:
- Third century A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Severan harbour, West side.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Lepcis Museum.
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952; including revisions from J. M. Reynolds, 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: A Supplement', Proceedings of the British School at Rome 23 (1955), 124-147
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[·· ? ·· uniuers]us ordo qua[·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]uas ob munị[ficentiam ·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]uit in uerba ịs[·· ? ··]
5 [·· ? ··]nus ex testam[ento]
[·· ? ·· d]ẹ suo [·· ? ··]
nibus uti Plautio Lupo o(ptimo) o(rdinis) n(ostri) uir(o) biga de pub(lico)
collocetur q(uid) d(e) e(a) r(e) f(ieri) p(laceret) c(ensentis) L(uci) Cassi Longini II-
uir(i) desig(nati) q(uid) p(laceret) c(irca) i(d) f(ieri) dec(uriones) i(ta) c(ensuerunt) Cum Plautius Lupus
5 o(ptimus) o(rdinis) n(ostri) uir cum flamonium consensu
omnium sibi delatum libenter suscepis-
set opulentissimos ludos ediderit sing-
u(lariter)q(ue) magnificentissima liberalitate pro-
meruerit in IIuiratus quoq(ue) honore om-
10nia secundum splendorem natalium
[s]uorum dignitatemq(ue) col(oniae) n(ostrae) egerit et
[e]ffusissimis adfectibus iterum splen-
didissimos ludos ediderit nec contentus
his liberalitatibus cellam thermar(um)
15 marmorib(us) Numidicis et opere musaeo ex-
ornauerit omni deinde occasione singuḷ(ariter)
[p]romeruerit et proxime cum ad munus publ(icum)
[e]x t(estamento) Iuni Afri c(larissimae) m(emoriae) uiri edendum curator e-
le[c]tus esset sollicitudini laboriq(ue) suo non pe-
20percerit et obseruata amplissimi senatus
uoluntate splendidissime munus edi curaueri[t]
debentque huiusmodi adfectus
remunerari ut reliqui quoque ad eamdem uolup-
[tat]em sollicitari possint placere Plautio Lupo
25 o(ptimo) o(rdinis) n(ostri) u(iro) [bi]gam de publ(ico) ubi uolet collocari pos-
[se Plau]tius Lupus de suo collocaturum se dixit
[uersis] dec]urionibus uti Plau-
[tio Lupo] [IIui]r(o) anni praeteriti ob
si[ngu]larem integritatem et mod-
5es[tiam s]imulque ob munificentiam
ei[us p]roximam bigam ei de publ(ico) po-
n[eret]ur Acilius Pompeianus IIuir
u(erba) f(ecit) q(uid) d(e) e(a) r(e) f(ieri) p(laceret) Cum Plautius Lupus secundu[m]
u[ere]c[u]ndiam suam u(erba) f(ecerit) ne onerare-
10t urbem cụius pubes fid(em) studium
in[··· d]ecurionum adoraret
co[n]ṭentumq(ue) auctoritate
ip[s]orum de suo si permit-
t[er]ent positurum adq(ue) ita in
15s[e]ṇtentiam M(arci) Rufi flam-
ị[ni]s perpetui q(uid) p(laceret) c(irca) i(d) f(ieri) dec(uriones) ce[n]-
s[u]erunt ut Plautius Lu-
pus sibi bigam quo loco
uellet de suo poneret
[·· ? ··········]VSORDOQVA[·· ? ··]
[·· ? ··]VASOBMVN·[············ ? ··]
[·· ? ··]VITINVERBA·S[·· ? ··]
5[·· ? ··]NVSEXTESTAM[·····]
[·· ? ····]·SVO[·· ? ··]
(a. 1)To [·· ? ··] flamen (priest), pontifex (priest) [·· ? ··] the whole city council [·· ? ··] ? statues on account of his munificence [·· ? ··] ?into words [·· ? ··]nus in accordance with the will [·· ? ··?set this up] at his own expense [·· ? ··] (a. 2) [·· ? ··] among others (feminine) things [·· ? ··] (a. 3) [·· ? ··](l.2) ? by which [·· ? ··] he spoke his opinion in good faith.
(b) Since all members of the city council are demanding that a two-horse chariot be set up at public expense to Plautius Lupus, one of the best men of our city council, Lucius Cassius Longinus, duovir designate, proposed that action should be taken in this matter and the decision of the city councillors on the actions to be taken in this matter is: Since Plautius Lupus, one of the best men of our city council, willingly undertook the flaminate (priesthood) which was offered to him by universal agreement, and gave very splendid games, and, most remarkably, also served with magnificent liberality in the office of the duumvirate in accordance with the splendid tradition of his family and the status of our colony, and with lavish disposition again gave most splendid games; moreover, not content with this generosity, he ornamented the bathhouse cella with Numidian marbles and mosaic work; subsequently on every occasion he was unusually meritorious, and most recently, when he had been elected as a curator to give a public show in accordance with the bequest of Junius Afer, deceased, splendid man (of senatorial status), he was unsparing of his care and omitted no effort, and having observed the wishes of the honorable council, ensured that the games given were of the most splendid; and since behaviours of this kind ought to be rewarded so that others too could be stimulated to (give) the same pleasure we decided that a two-horse chariot shall be erected to Plautius Lupius, one of the best men of our city council at a place which he chooses.
(c) Given that everyone of the city councillors is calling for a two-horse chariot appropriate to him to be set up at public expense in honour of Plautius Lupus, duumvir last year, on account of his outstanding integrity and modesty and also because of his munificence, Acilius Pompeianus, duumvir, made the proposal:Ssince Plautius Lupus has said, in accordance with his modesty, that he would not burden the city whose people and good faith, and the zeal of the city counsellors, for him, he loved; and content with their decision, if they would allow it, he would set it up at his own expense; the city councillors decided thus in accordance with the proposal of Marcius Rufus, perpetual flamen (priest), that Plautius Lupus should erect the two-horse-chariot in his honour in whatever place he wished, at his own expense.
b) l. 2. Plautius Lupus. Also in 593, ll. 7, 8; 632, ll. 6. 7; 634, ll. 5, 6.
b) l. 18. Iunius ?Afer. Perhaps also in 716.
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