List of Monuments: P
- panel
- 810. Fragment
- 730. Fragments
- 660. Fragment
- 108. Funerary inscription for L. Munatius Dexter
- 550. Fragment
- 910. Partly Libyan funerary inscription
- 750. Fragmentary funerary inscription for Venusia
- 117. Honours for C. Flavius Pudens
- 129. Fragmentary honours
- 131. Fragmentary honours
- 132. Fragmentary honours
- 133. Fragmentary honours
- 134. Fragmentary honours
- 135. Fragmentary honours
- 138. Fragmentary honours
- 139. Fragmentary honours
- 141. Fragmentary honours
- 142. Fragmentary honours
- 144. Fragmentary honours
- 307. Fragment
- 308. Title and dedication for an image of Augusta Salutaris
- 308. Title and dedication for an image of Augusta Salutaris
- 148. Fragmentary honours
- 151. Fragmentary honours
- 156. Fragment
- 157. Fragments
- 158. Fragment
- 159. Funerary fragment
- 324. Building dedication of the Chalcidicum to Augustus
- 164. Fragment
- 165. Fragment
- 167. Fragment
- 169. Fragment
- 175. Fragment
- 176. Fragment.
- 177. Fragments
- 178. Fragment
- 20. Dedication to deified Faustina
- 701. Fragmentary dedication
- 702. Fragments
- 23. Dedication to Marcus Aurelius
- 24. Dedication to Marcus Aurelius
- 25. Dedications to Annius Verus, Commodus and Lucilla
- 26. Dedications to daughters of Marcus Aurelius
- 28. Dedication to Commodus
- 431. Fragmentary dedication?
- 710. Fragment
- 32. Dedication to Marcus Aurelius or Commodus
- 34. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 41. Dedication to the Indulgentia of Severus Alexander
- 42. Dedication to Severus Alexander
- 43. Dedication to Severus Alexander by Aemilianus
- 44. Dedication to Severus Alexander and Julia Mamaea by Sabratha
- 45. Erased dedication to ?Severus Alexander
- 47. Dedication to Maximinus
- 216. Christian funerary inscription
- 55. Dedication to Constantius II and Constans
- 62. Dedication to an anonymous emperor
- 64. Dedication to the wife of an anonymous emperor
- 65. Dedication to an Antonine emperor
- 71. Dedication to an anonymous emperor
- 73. Dedication to the wife of a second/third century emperor
- 74. Dedication to ?imperial family
- 238. Fragment
- 241. Funerary inscription for Lucius Aemilius Pacorus
- 81. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 82. Erased dedication to a third century emperor
- 87. Dedication to late third/fourth century emperor
- 90. Fragment referring to ?a legate
- 893. Libyan text
- 506. Dedication by the Lepcitani
- 507. Fragmentary dedication
- 508. Fragmentary dedication by the Lepcitani
- 509. Fragment
- 985. Fragment
- 515. Fragment
- 279. Dedication to Antinous Frugifer
- 7. Dedication to Constans and Constantius II
- 8. Dedication to Isis
- 760. Fragment
- 46. Dedication to Maximinus
- 128. Fragmentary honours
- 13. Votive offering by Fl. Bonifatius
- 17. Dedication to Divus Traianus
- 18. Dedication to Antoninus Pius by Sabratha
- 19. Dedication to Faustina
- 136. Fragmentary honours
- 137. Fragmentary honours
- 105. Honours for a third century official
- 106. Honours for a third century official.
- 107. Honours for a third/fourth century ?praeses
- 143. Fragmentary honours
- 109. Funerary inscription for Ulpianus
- 145. Fragmentary honours
- 146. Fragmentary honours
- 781. Fragmentary testamentary inscription
- 782. Fragmentary testamentary inscription
- 115. Fragmentary honours
- 116. Fragmentary honours
- 152. Fragmentary honours
- 154. Funerary inscription for Aemili-
- 155. Fragment
- 791. Panel fragments
- 792. Fragment
- 126. Fragmentary honours
- 163. Fragment
- 48. Dedicationto Philip by Sabratha
- 49. Dedication to Herennius Etruscus
- 168. Fragment
- 53. Dedication to Tacitus
- 54. Dedication to Constantine I or II
- 172. Fragments
- 93. Fragmentary honours for an anonymous
- 94. Fragmentary honours for an anonymous
- 762. Fragment
- 95. Honours for Gaius Anicius Fronto
- 96. Honours for Avitius Rufus
- 97. Honours for an imperial procurator
- 182. Fragmentary honours
- 184. Fragment
- 185. Fragmentary honours
- 352. Fragmentary building dedication to Trajan
- 192. Christian dedication
- 194. Christian funerary inscription
- 525. Fragment of testamentary honours
- 367. Dedication to > Ceionius Commodus
- 368. Dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 533. Building dedication for a fountain
- 535. Fragment
- 536. Honours for L. Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus
- 377. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 140. Fragmentary honours
- 27. Dedication to Commodus
- 63. Dedication to an anonymous emperor
- 66. Fragment from imperial titulature
- 113. Honours for Numerius Avitus
- 150. Fragmentary honours
- 70. Dedication to anonymous emperor
- 36. Dedication to Geta
- 72. Dedication to anonymous emperor
- 38. Dedication to Caracalla
- 39. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 75. Dedication to third century emperor
- 76. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 160. Fragment
- 83. Dedication to third century emperors
- 84. Dedication to third century emperor(s)
- 85. Dedication to third/fourth century emperor
- 86. Dedication to third/fourth century emperor
- 52. Dedication to Aurelian
- 250. Funerary fragment
- 258. Christian funerary inscription for Tednus
- 260. Fragmentary Christian funerary inscription
- 512. Fragment
- 272. Votive fragment
- 274. Fragments
- 275. Votive to the Gods of Lepcis
- 441. Fragmentary dedication to Geta
- 280. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 446. Fragmentary dedication to ?Severan emperor
- 285. Fragmentary dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 448. Fragmentary dedication to Severus Alexander
- 449. Dedication to Julia Mamaea
- 458. Fragmentary dedication to Gallienus
- 543. Honours for L. Volusius Bassus Cerealis
- 549. Fragment
- 987. Fragmentary Christian funerary inscription.
- 552. Fragmentary honours
- 555. Fragmentary honours
- 1. Reference to Apollo (?)
- 80. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 813. Fragment
- 217. Christian funerary inscription of Segeddutis
- 502. Fragment
- 504. Fragmentary building inscription
- 347. Dedication to Domitian
- 354. Fragmentary dedication to Trajan
- 355. Fragmentary dedication to Trajan
- 356. Fragmentary building inscription under Trajan
- 79. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 364. Building inscription under Hadrian
- 366. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 89. Fragmentary honours
- 253. Fragmentary Greek inscription
- 371. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 372. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 373. Dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 374. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 375. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 179. Fragment
- 99. Fragmentary honours
- 382. Fragmentary dedication to Commodus
- 384. Dedication to Commodus
- 188. Fragments
- 189. Fragment
- 551. Fragmentary building inscription
- 396. Fragmentary building inscription under Septemius Severus
- 398. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus and Caracalla
- 287. Dedication to Hercules
- 619. Fragmentary dedication
- 224. Fragmentary Christian funerary inscription
- 181. Fragment
- 67. Fragments from imperial titulature
- 68. Fragment from imperial titulature
- 69. Fragment from imperial titulature
- 430. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus and family
- 315. Fragments from a building dedication
- 190. Fragment
- 77. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 78. Dedication to a third century emperor
- 195. Christian funerary inscriptions
- 360. Fragmentary building inscription under Hadrian
- 286. Dedication to Hercules
- 450. Fragmentary dedication to Julia Mamaea
- 614. Fragment
- 617. Fragment
- 618. Fragmentary dedication
- 296. Dedication to Liber Pater
- 505. Fragment
- 622. Fragmentary honours
- 623. Fragment
- 383. Fragment
- 385. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius or Commodus
- 631. Honours for M. Antistius Arrianus
- 394. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus
- 647. Honours for Q. Marcius Pudens
- 653. Fragment
- 492. Fragmentary dedication
- 493. Fragmentary dedication
- 656. Honours for Narcissus
- 659. Fragment
- 100. Honours for a fourth century ?governor
- 709. Fragments
- 665. Fragment
- 511. Fragmentary dedication
- 110. Funerary inscription
- 671. Fragment
- 674. Funerary inscription by Caecilia Namgyddi
- 88. Fragment mentioning a legate
- 915. Dedication to Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta
- 180. Fragment
- 703. Fragments
- 704. Fragment
- 547. Fragments
- 548. Fragment
- 554. Fragment
- 556. Fragmentaryhonours
- 557. Fragmentary honours
- 723. Fragment
- 724. Fragment
- 728. Fragments
- 733. Funerary inscripion for Nyftha
- 580. Fragmentarry building inscription
- 582. Fragmentary honours
- 748. Fragmentary dedication
- 757. Fragment
- 808. Panel fragments
- 768. Apotropaic acclamation
- 12. Votive offering to Silvanus
- 772. Fragment
- 773. Fragments
- 774. Fragment
- 777. Panel fragment
- 301. Dedication to Mars Augustus
- 503. Fragment
- 621. Fragment
- 425. Fragmentary dedication to Caracalla
- 626. Fragment
- 513. Fragmentary dedication
- 809. Fragment
- 812. Fragment
- 822. Fragment
- 824. Fragment
- 664. Fragment
- 130. Fragmentary honours
- 686. Fragment
- 697. Fragment
- 907. Fragmentary votive text
- 669. Funerary inscription
- 30. Dedication to Commodus
- 31. Dedication, possibly to Commodus
- 788. Fragmentary building inscription
- 40. Dedication to a Severan
- 879. Libyan text
- 445. Fragmentary dedication to Severan family
- 447. Fragmentary dedication to ?Severan emperor
- 451. Fragmentary dedication, ?to Julia Mamaea
- 75a. Dedication to third century emperor
- 453. Dedication to Maximin the younger
- 497. Fragmentary dedication
- 456. Dedication to Gallienus and Salonina
- 379. Fragmentary dedication to Hadrian or Antoninus Pius
- 783. Fragmentary testamentary inscription
- 744. Fragment
- 908. Fragmentary dedication to Alexander Severus
- 909. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus and sons
- 911. Funerary inscription of Rosauaruage
- 914. Dedication to Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta
- 761. Funerary fragment
- 11. Dedication to Mithras (?)
- 501. Fragment
- 778. Panel fragments
- 585. Fragmentary votive text
- 785. Fragment from the Theatre.
- 787. Panel fragments
- 794. Series of quarry-marks
- 797. Fragment, perhaps a quarry-mark
- 895. Dedication to Severus Alexander
- 769. Fragment
- 494. Fragments
- 779. Fragmentary dedication
- 784. Fragments from a testamentary inscription.
- 468. Building inscription under Constantine I and Licinius
- 311. Fragment
- 586. Fragmentary funerary inscription
- 823. Fragment
- 789. Panel fragment
- 470. Fragmentary building inscription under Constantius II and Constans
- 510. Fragmentary dedication
- 848. Fragment
- 499. Fragmentary dedication
- 495. Fragment
- 500. Fragments
- 793. Panel fragments
- 498. Fragmentary dedication
- 786. Panel fragment
- 765a. Gameboard text
- 50. Dedication to Gallienus and Cornelia Salonina by Sabratha
- 791a. Panel fragment
- 615a. Fragments
- 256a. Christian funerary inscription for Helladios
- pavement
- 245. Votive inscriptions by C. Calpurnius Candidus
- 248. Acclamation of greeting
- paving-slab
- 203. Christian funerary inscription of Fuzanus
- 206. Christian funerary inscription of Ioanes
- 207. Christian funerary inscription of Ioanes
- 212. Christian funerary inscriptions
- 843. Christian funerary inscription
- 193. Christian funerary inscription
- 196. Christian funerary inscription
- 220. Christian funerary inscription of Teodora
- 208. Christian funerary inscription of Iohannes
- 227. Fragmentary Christian funerary inscription
- 197. Christian funerary inscription
- 201. Christian funerary inscription of Esidorus
- 210. Christian funerary inscription of Irene
- 839. Christian funerary inscription
- 844. Christian funerary inscription
- 835. Christian funerary inscription
- pedestal
- 992. Libyan text
- pilaster
- 251. Fragment
- 303. Dedication to Mercury and Minerva
- 573. Fragments
- 807. Mason's marks
- 811. Fragment
- 796. Fragment, perhaps a quarry-mark
- 811a. Fragment
- plinths
- 393. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- podium
- 521. Building inscription of L. Caninius Gallus